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Add Pixels Generated by Ecommerce Store (Settings > Shops)

  • Add Pixels generated by connected E-commerce store.
    • Shopify
      • Once you have signed into your Shopify account. It will then generate pixels that we will need for your technical team to add to your website so that we can have the necessary information that is needed to keep track of creator attributed sales.
      • You can find these pixels by going to Settings —> Shops —> Then clicking on your Shopify store

  • Other Ecommerce Platforms
    • As our platform continues to get more and more robust, we are aiming at making sure that regardless of your E-commerce store, that we have a solution for you. If you do not use Shopify, choose BigCommerce, WooCommerce or even “other” as an option to make sure that we can get you taken care of.
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